
Hello Readers!

Write stories that only you can tell. Although I can’t remember who gave me this advice, I will remain grateful for it forever. It gave me permission to be authentic and write about what I know.

I’m a small-town girl, so I know a little something about small-town life. Nicolet, the setting of my books, is my hometown by another name. I’ve taken some creative license in describing it because . . . well, why not? But the flavor remains true to the real place, which can be found in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on the shores of the most majestic of the Great Lakes (in my humble opinion)—Lake Superior.

While my characters come from my imagination, they could easily be my neighbors, old classmates, or the sweet lady in front of me in the checkout line. I’ve drawn from my own experiences and the experiences of those I know to tell stories that are at once unique and relatable. I write about the people and places closest to my heart, and my hope is that by the time you finish my books, you’ll not only have connected with the characters, but you’ll have fallen in love with this beautiful place, as well. You may even find yourself wanting to come for a visit!

So, who is Charlotte Everhart? I’m a coffee-drinking, beach-loving Yooper (go ahead and look that one up!) who devours books and coffee at a fairly equal pacing. I’m a wife and mother with a vivid imagination who can’t wait to introduce you to life in Nicolet. I’m a contemporary women’s fiction author who writes about small-town women and their families, sprinkling in just the right amount of romance for all the feels. This is me!

Who are you? I’d love to get to know you!

If you’d like to connect with me further, please join my newsletter by clicking below. You’ll be the first to know about book launches and promotions, and you’ll also receive bonus material, such as pictures of the places described in my books, deleted scenes, etc. And if you feel like dropping me an email, go right ahead. I’ll write back!

Until then . . . happy reading!

